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About Us


Sobre el perfumista

La Fleur by Livvy fue fundada en el verano de 2013 por Olivia Larson, también conocida como Livvy en Colorado, EE. UU., Que es una productora de perfumes artesanal autodidacta. Cada perfume está hecho a mano en pequeños lotes y son perfumes naturales a base de plantas.

Dado que los ingredientes principales se derivan de flores y plantas, por lo tanto, el nombre de "La Fleur" o "La Flor". "Mi amor por las flores me llevó a crear una línea de fragancias usando lo que la naturaleza tiene para ofrecernos. Mis fragancias no pretenden abrumar la presencia en la habitación. Están destinadas a acentuar pero no quitarle al usuario. Son suaves, sutil y sensual ".

¿Dónde comenzó el viaje? ¿Que te inspira?

"Recuerdos de mi infancia en India: de mujeres indias en el mercado con fragantes guirnaldas de jazmín en el pelo. El aroma de los attar, tuberosas, aguas de rosas y palitos de incienso de sándalo flotando en el aire mientras arden. Las diversas flores que florecieron por la noche, el olor de la tierra después de que llovió en un caluroso día de verano. El olor de las hojas de menta fresca siendo triturado en jugo en un puesto de un vendedor. Las flores de frangipani (plumeria) que crecieron fuera de nuestra casa junto a la ventana de la habitación de mi abuela ".

Nuestras fragancias son sobre viajes y viajes. La colección "Fleur" trata sobre el viaje de una mujer en la vida, trata sobre sus sueños y aspiraciones, su fe, inocencia y seducción. Es la primera serie de perfumes que se crearon.

IPF Cert
La Fleur Logo

Nuestro logotipo representa la diosa femenina dentro de cada uno de nosotros y la abundancia de la madre tierra en la naturaleza.

International Perfume Foundation
New Luxury Code

See What We're Doing To Make

A Difference

Girl reading a book

Girl Mission

Elephants & Me

Mission Statement

Our Mission is to provide perfumes created with 100% botanical ingredients. Our primary focus is more on what’s inside the bottle using high-quality natural raw ingredients, organic and rare when possible while sourcing these materials ethically from around the world to the best of our ability. We also use Organic Alcohol.


We will never use REAL Animal Musk. We are Animal Cruelty-Free.


Our packaging is made with Eco-friendly labels and boxes, high-quality recyclable glass bottles designed to satisfy our customers. 

Whilst the skin is the biggest organ of the body and what you spray on it matters, so if you wish to enhance your holistic experience and improve your overall lifestyle, we invite you to try our "100% Natural perfumes". 

Flowers are divine and we believe in the true quality of nature. 

Finally, we promise to work hard to serve you and maintain excellent customer service.

Thank you

La Fleur by Livvy 

Meet The Team

Andrej headshot

Andrej Babicky,
Perfumer & Nose

I graduated in Theater Critique and Philosophy. During my studies, I began to be interested in design and everything regarding the sense of smell.  After a few years, I studied Natural perfumery at Natural Perfume Academy, where I continue to collaborate as a tutor. I obtained certification as a natural perfumer by the International Perfume Foundation and won the New Luxury Award 2020 for best natural perfume in Paris in January 2020.

I am now collaborating with Olivia on a new perfume that will be launched soon. The first of many more to come.

Lisel headshot

Lisel Villemaire
"Girl Friday" aka Marketing Manager & PA to Livvy

I recently graduated with an Associates in Engineering Technology and I’m currently finishing up my Bachelors in Engineering. I love creative pursuits in all forms and consistently find new hobbies to try. I love exploring and traveling to new places and finding beauty in the simpler things in life. 

At La fleur, I mainly focus on marketing and helping Livvy out with projects. I love that we collaborate on boxes, labels, the social media feed, and so much more. I get unique projects that encourage me to grow while having fun together. My favorite perfume is Fleur de L’Amour because of its subtle sweetness. It brings me fond memories of spending time with Livvy when I was younger and the sweet adventures we have. 

Keane Headshot

Keane Karnan
V.P. Production

I am a Colorado native, avid mountain biker.  A Culinary Graduate from Mesa State University. I love Italian and Asian Cuisines. I enjoy the cross over from flavors to smell. I currently work as a Director of Nutritional Services at a local retiree facility, Chocolatier and owner of Dirty Lil Cacao Single Origin Bean to Bar chocolates and in spare time work behind the scenes assisting with production and at trade events where I get to meet our customers in person.  

"Scent is nostalgic and time travelling at the same time". 

Cubby Headshot

Cubby Bears,
LFBL mascot 

Makenna Headshot

Makenna Livingston
Content Creator & Social Media Intern

Hi everyone, I am the LFBL mascot and purrfumer, Cubby! 

My job includes sniffing, greeting everyone at the studio, and having a paw-sitive attitude. I love dressing up and going out. Sometimes the puparazzi likes to take photos of me in my costumes too. My favorite band is “The Beagles” and I love the poetry of “William Shakes-paw” just like my owner.

I’m so happy to be part of the team here at La Fleur By Livvy. Our owner just took the next step to become animal cruelty-free certified! 


Come visit our re-tail store soon! Pugs and Kisses- Cubby

I am from California and Washington, but I now go to college at Colorado Mesa University, which is located in Grand Junction Colorado. I love anything to do with the outdoors, so that is what brought me here! I love to hike, surf, bike, trail run and much more. I am currently studying to earn a Bachelor's in Mass Communications & Media Strategies. My job at La Fleur is to create TikTok's, help with social media, take photos, and help with other advertising aspects. I love working with La Fleur because it is my passion to pursue a career in social media and/or marketing! 

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